Banana Splat.
Okay so here’s the joke.
When I was still a pretty small kid, I am thinking like 4-6 age range, my favorite joke was banana splat. I don’t know how it got started; I just know I thought it was one of the funniest things ever. It wasn’t even a joke with a punch line… or a real joke or whatever… this is the joke: “guess what? BANANA SPLAT!” sometimes I had to cut it all the way down to just “BANANA SPLAT!”
When we would be having family home evening, and taking care of the family business for the week, I would always raise my hand with one item of business, banana splat and a bunch of giggles. I know that pretty much most of my family did not think it was as funny as I did. I could tell when nobody was in the mood for it when my dad would ask “Does anybody have any more business we need to discuss besides banana splat?” I would usually raise my hand any way, “banana SPLAT!”
Sooo… about 20 years later…
I was working. I wasn’t really “feeling” it. It was early in the morning, around
Pretty much… I asked my boss on this morning:
“What kind of food would you classify bananas as, Breakfast or lunch?”
“Bananas are definitely breakfast food in my opinion… yeah; I think they go with cereal… breakfast food.”
“Oh… So I should probably not have warmed it on lunch… maybe like a breakfast sandwich, do you think?”
“What?... *looks in oven… blinks a couple times… looks at me… closes the oven… looks at the ground… looks at me… looks away...* Yeah, you probably should have done it as a breakfast. Bananas are not a lunch fruit.”
After it was finished I looked in the oven and tried to imagine what I was thinking, because this was not it… I thought it would be cooler… like exploded or something… especially judging by the boss’s face… anyway, I picked it up and walked over to the window and threw it onto the ground as hard as I could out frustration for the let down…
Banana splat. I couldn’t stop laughing. I thought it was one of the funniest things I had ever seen… a steamy (fresh out of the oven) banana splat.
I guess the funniest part about this whole thing for me is that I didn’t really think ahead about what I was doing. First I was imagining blowing up a banana, not thinking about how I would have to clean the oven after blowing it up. I was so not impressed by the banana warmed on lunch that I threw it on the ground to try and make it cooler as opposed to abandoning the idea and just throwing it away. I wasn’t picturing a splat… I wasn’t picturing anything… but it ended up being pretty dang funny to me.
Banana splat.
Hahahah. That's pretty amazing dude. That is pretty much the equivalent of opening the toilet seat or fridge and having fire come out.
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