Monday, September 28, 2009

puddle jumping.

Moving... for the first time in over 2 years. Wow. Soooooo. Let me give some details. We are going to move in with Kristin's parents, this is a temporary move designed to give us the ability to save a few bucks while my beautiful wife is on maternity leave. This will also be an awesome opportunity to hang with the parents for a bit. We are both super excited for this opportunity.
Now is where it gets a bit tricky. If you receive any of the monthly newsletters I subscribe to, you may have read something in an article by Beth. This is true, however cannot make any comments about the rumors publicly. However if you were to call, I would be more than happy to fill you in on what is really going on.
That is pretty much the largest goings on around here. Besides Mimi an john coming to visit this Thursday! Sah-weet.

Monday, September 21, 2009

About the birds.

This post is a comment on a Reagan's post. It just got too long to fit in the comment box, so I decided everyone could do with knowing a little more about the birds.

The picture is not quite completely unrelated... Maybe I think... I added it last... I like putting three dots instead of commas... Anyway, it is of Shamu, an Orca whale, also not indigenous to San Diego, but quite commonly sighted, especially at 11:30am, 2:30pm, and 7pm on Saturdays and Sundays.

I know that we have a flock of parrots here in El Cajon. They are the green and red ones that typically reside on pirate shoulders. I know that San Diego is all exotic sounding, and is often thought of as a tropical destination and everything with palm trees and beaches and stuff like that, so that should not be out of place right? Wrong. We are actually Mediterranean / Mid latitude desert. That means that most of the birds around here are similar to birds found anywhere, pigeons, doves, ducks, and of course coastal birds such as seagulls and pelicans. A full list of common, and uncommon birds can be found at this link.

Anyway, moving on to the point. The story according to what I have heard, (I have never dedicated the time to check the facts), there was a fire in a building complex housing a bird store with all these exotic birds, and they were set free as the employees realized that they could not save all of the birds. Now they fly around here squawking like crazy pretty much all the time. It is kind of funny to hear them fly over head because they never shut up, so you hear them from like a mile away, then they fly over all chaotically. They have no idea what a flying “V” is, so I assume that they have never seen the Mighty Ducks.

Anyway… In order to enhance my extrinsic awesomicity, I did a little research for you.

Here are a couple spots that may be a little more help with the birds in your locale:

A blog about Queens, kind of a negative, I am not sure how relevant due to the type of bird.

Another link that may be more applicable to your question.

I found this guy too.

Monday, September 14, 2009

my wife gets mad at me when i put her underwear on my head.

Maybe if i explain that it will help me stop snoring, it will be okay.

Sometimes despair sets in out of the blue.

Maybe the internet isn’t the best outlet for some things. Whatever.

I feel like I may have tapped into some of the emotional instability that comes with pregnancy. To this day I have experienced cravings, aches and weight gain, all of which I am attributing to empathy pains. Tonight I couldn’t sleep. Kristin and I were discussing plans of which cannot be made public yet, and the discussion took us late into the night. I finally got on the computer at about 12:15 am this morning because when I get on the computer my wife falls asleep, much like taking a baby on a car ride. Anyway, she had sweet little crying session a little earlier tonight. I was sitting here playing solitaire, getting myself tired as I was putting my wife to sleep. What happened? Yep, if you guessed that I started crying for no reason whatsoever than you guessed right. Good job. I am seriously wiping my face as I am typing through the blurs right now. I don’t understand it. I mean, I guess I was thinking about some old but maybe still kind of sensitive stuff, but seriously. I have never cried while thinking about my flight from the 801 before. Why would I start now, literally years after the fact? I mean I guess there are a few things about my trip that I never really told anybody. For me personally, it was an act of self preservation. I was in “really poor space” as Blaine, my weekend counselor at the Utah Boys Ranch, would have put it. I needed to leave. In retrospect I see that I may have burnt a few bridges with my abrupt departure. There are quite a few wounds that I left gaping open on myself as well as others. I have thought many times over through various apology conversations or explainations with people I left behind. I have imagined many times what it would have been like if I could have taken some people with me, or even just left under different circumstances. There have been many occasions when I have thought about how much I did really leave in that valley. Of what I did leave, the majority of it is stuff that I wish to never have to deal with again. The only problem is that some of the stuff I left behind kinda stings me every now and then. I’m feeling like that right now is one of those times. Maybe it will be easier for me to sleep now that I have thought it all out. My nose is still a little stuffy, but my eyes have stopped running. This pregnancy thing is tough. I would totally trade the way I feel now for a trip to the grocery store for butter finger ice cream and dill pickles. I have always understood that I am an empath to an extent, but some times I wish that I could just turn it off.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

On my lunch break.

The bridge this sign is on is over a mile long. I thought it was funny.

The handle on my “I *heart* NY” mug broke last week. It is now a pencil cup at work. I am looking at right now. It is my lunch break and I am in the black doing homework… kind of. I guess that since idiot book is doing double duty as my theater journal this is homework right?

My tan is starting to peel. That means that summer is officially getting over and I am spending more time inside than out. I am glad that I am not spending much time inside though, that would be gnarly, but not good gnarly, bad gnarly.

Only 24 more days until Mimi, John, and Kelton come to visit. Yay! Maybe this time we will get a picture of Kelton by the Kelton road sign. That would be cool.


Time to get back to the salt mines.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Sometimes Starbucks make me Crazy.

Some things that I have thought about over the past couple days.
-Julie & Julia: I went and saw the movie with my wife. It was interesting. There is one F-bomb that kind of took us by surprise. Aside from that, Kristin though it was one of the cutest movies ever. I left thinking that it would maybe inspire me to be a little more diligent on my blog… not working yet.

-Clover and Mimi’s baby: I don’t know if any of you realize this… buuuuuuuuttt December is only 3 months away. Yep, it’s true. Maya is almost 4. It has been almost 4 years since I almost threw up over dinner at the Chinese restaurant where my fortune cookie said “Kristin will you marry me?” On that note, how cool will it be to have 2 more cousins for all of our other little cousins, at the same time! Maybe we can move Christmas to San Diego this year. Everybody walks out the door from mimi’s delivery and goes straight to the airport.
Getting a different job: I have been trying to get this mental hospital to hire me so that I can start working in a field a little closer to one that I would like to work in when I am all grown up. I guess I am not mental enough or something… I don’t know. Maybe they will call me tomorrow.
-Motorcycles: It has been a real pleasure over the last couple months to be able to ride my “mokie-moke” everyday. There are times when I am riding that I really wish I had more than 250cc’s of power between my legs. Then I realized that my motorcycle will be paid off pretty quick here… I think… (10 minutes later) Nope. I was wrong. I bought the bike last August, not last January. I guess no new bike for a bit. ‘sokay though, because I do like my bike, just sometimes not as much as others.

-School: This semester is pretty promising. What is it promising? Plenty of homework, that’s what. But I’m okay with it. I feel myself getting smarter pretty much every class except maybe my math class.

-Math Class: My teacher is kind of… not smart… I think. He talks to us like we are third graders, we have a seating chart, he is rude, and immensely arrogant. I am a little bummed because I am going to have to stick it out for the rest of the semester in this class, and I am afraid that he may not be telling me the truth when he says this will be the best and most applicable math class that I have ever had. Here is the most recent example of idiocy: This is a story from our lecture last wed, I was so irritated I had to tell everybody. We were working on section 1.4 in the book: Section 1.4 Using the definitions of trigonometric functions: Reciprocal identities, Pythagorean identities, quotient identities. Okay… title makes sense. How about exercise set 61 through 68. “Use identities to solve each of the following. See examples 5-7” the heading says. My professor reads it in front of the class, makes a stupid face and says “Identities, what are those, that’s stupid. Lets look at a problem… Ah ha! We can solve these, let me show you… *solves problem on the board*… See ? You don’t need identities, you just need to know how to think, and you will be smarter for it. I don’t know what identities are and I don’t care, memorizing is stupid.” Seriously. I have never been left speechless from a lecture in a math class until now, and I was shocked. Any way, this is going to be a trip… math class.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

this is not at all what i was planning when i sat down.

Stupid haircuts. I know that I have had my fair share. I am still not sure if I truly did it because I thought it looked cool, or because I knew it would alienate me further from the norm growing up or if I did it just because I could and many people I knew either couldn’t or didn’t dare. I don’t know. I guess that the thing that makes me think about it is that most of the stupid haircuts I had when I was a kid are considered normal haircuts where I am today. I will not allow my baby to have a mohawk until they are old enough to cut it themselves. It is kind of a trip for me to think that way, but that’s just how I feel. I guess when I was acting like an idiot, not only considering failure as an option, but embracing it as a way of life, I also determined that I would not ever have a meaningful relationship with a girl or ever have a kid. I knew that I would not be able to provide what I know that a child or relationship would need in order to be in any way successful. I lived my life accordingly. I understand that success is very subjective, but come on, seriously. I honestly cannot believe that anybody truly wants to be a drunk or addict when they grow up. I personally have embraced failure, because I was too lazy or depressed or drunk to be capable of achieving anything else. That doesn’t mean that I liked it. In fact I hated it… and that was the problem that they fed each other, my feelings and my actions. They were a cycle of self destruction… and when people would point it out I would act proud of what I was. “Yeah, you’re right. I did it on purpose. I was hoping that looking like this would make it so you wouldn’t want to come over here and talk to me because you are an idiot.” Any way, I guess this is part of growing up. I totally lost my train of thought. Maybe more on this later… I don’t know... Oh yeah! The bottom line, this post is not really about haircuts, understand that, haircuts just got me thinking.