Monday, November 30, 2009

Thinking about bringing a baby into the world.

Ready or not here I come.

Wow, what a week…end. I went to our birthing class over the weekend. It was intense. I found out that there is a little more to having a baby than I realized. It also kind of drilled it home that this is happening. I am going to be a dad. Hmmm.
There have been little things that have happened over the last nine months that have kind of like put another little brick on the load of realization, but no one thing has put so many bricks on as the class did, aside from I think the first ultrasound where I could see the actual shape of the baby. I seriously had to fight back the tears like every 10 minutes or so during the class just because I was imagining spending time with the little peanut growing in my wifey’s tummy.
Am I ready? I don’t know, I really hope so. I think that although I may not be able to plan for what is going to happen exactly, but I have a good idea about the gist of it… and have the ability to do my best, I guess I just worry that my best may not be enough. (my favorite poster about this subject) You know? I have never been so sincerely sure and unsure at the same time about the same thing.
I do know that I have many powerful tools, abilities, and resources at my disposal, and that makes me feel a little better about things.
In home-ec? class in high school, I failed the “bring the baby home for a weekend and turn the key when it cries” assignment. I am not sure if I “killed” the baby 7 times, or just had CPS potentially called on me 7 times. I do know that I tried hard, but never woke up when it cried, or turned the key to hard or something. I don’t know. I failed. That’s all.
I know that I have grown quite a bit since then, and that the assignment may not be relevant given my current frame of mind and all other things considered, especially the fact that I won’t be doing it myself. *sigh*
I am so excited to be married to my wife and having a kid. That is the bottom line. I am so pumped that the fear or nerves or whatever seems almost trivial, I guess I just feel like I need to acknowledge it because it is there. But I am pumped.

Friday, November 27, 2009

thanx dood.

Thanksgiving… What an interesting holiday. My little sister brought up kind of a funny interpretation in a conversation we had the other night. In her family they say thank-yous around the dinner table every night, much the same way many families say prayers or grace or whatever. She thought it was funny that there was a holiday where pretty much most of America stops and worships the way she does. It kind of made us both chuckle.

I appreciate graciousness. I like the way there is a holiday dedicated to manners. I like it when little kids say thank you when I give them their hot chocolates or cookies at work. I like it when people thank me for doing a good job or whatever. I am pretty sure most people like to hear thank you as well. It is my goal to turn this next year into Thanksgiving year as opposed to just having a thanksgiving day. I will not gorge myself sick every day, but I will be thankful every day. I think I will start with a gratitude list, like my sister. Funny.

I am grateful for:

Pretty girls (specifically my wife)

Pilates balls


Getting smart


Plane tickets

Pink bb guns

Ride-on lawn mowers




Grumpy people

Happy people


Helmet laws




Cowboy hats



Cups with handles


Fake tattoos

Instruction books for wristwatches

Grape juice

Bean bags

Rainy days

Sunny days

Stupid people

Pocket change

Mustache wax



Sewing machines

Duct tape

Angus the movie

Best friends

Friends… period

Postage stamps

St. George

Wool socks

Stephen Segal movies

Jean Claude Van Damme movies


New bearings


Tiny dogs



Happy babies

Cute babies

Clover babies

My babies

Movie theatres


Leather jackets

Glue guns

Pellet guns


Bed time



Saturday, November 21, 2009

I bought my wife a snuggie for Christmas.

Sometimes I feel like San Diego is the time out corner of the United States. I am willing to bet that I have a couple other siblings who feel the same except for kind of different… like some may say that Ketchikan Alaska is the true time out corner. I am willing to bet the Piper Jane thinks that New York is the time out corner. Anyway, I feel like San Diego is... Just sayin’

Today Kristin came home from work for the last time before Clover is born… Maybe forever… What if she likes hanging out with Clover so much that she just tells work to kick rocks? What if she just likes having a baby instead of working? What if she just doesn’t feel like working and having a baby at the same time, and doesn’t want to give her baby away, so gives work away instead? Ohhhhh man.

What if?

It is crazy to think that we thought we were ready for this around this time last year. Wow. Since then pretty much every plan we had has done this: *Pshkewwwwwwwwshk* No seriously. I re-read some parts of idiot book over the last week and it has really made me think about how things have happened over the last year.

I was talking to my cousin Holly yesterday, and she was like “Ohhhh man, 2010 is going to be an awesome year for you guys.” I was just thinking about how it is really hard to imagine 2010 being any crazier than 2009. I also remember around the first of the year this year talking to my wife about how this year is going to be an awesome year. We were soooo pumped. We were sooooo not let down either.

Let me just say that I am a happy man. I am super excited about what life has in store. I am feeling the awesomicity going through the roof pretty much everywhere. Like imagine the way it feels the day before your birthday or Christmas and times it by at least a wheelbarrow. Okay, got it? Now add a staple gun and about 27 road flares, and that is about what it is like for the Breinholt’s San Diego Franchise right now. Off the hook.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The other cat in the hat.

So today I did a little window shopping. It has still not quite sunk in that I am going to have to start sporting a winter wardrobe as well as summer. I was looking at coats. The low last night was 54, and the temperature right now is 74. It is hard to shop for snow coats with the AC on. Anyway. Yep. Only three more weeks until Maternity leave starts for Kristin. Yay. I cannot wait until she does not have to drive for an hour everyday just to stand on the floor at work and sell purses for 8 hours then come home tired and grumpy because she would just rather grow a Clover full time. What else. Oh yeah, we have been living with Kristin’s parents for the last two weeks now and we are coping okay. It has been a real treat to kind of just hang out and get better acquainted. I still take the wrong exit on the way home form work about 2 out of every three times, but I plan on getting better. So… I guess that’s it for now. It doesn’t feel like winter, I dressed as a skeleton for Halloween, again, and we are living with the Andersons. -p