While I was eating breakfast today, I mentioned to my sister in law that I am not a fan of breakfast sausage because I don’t really like chewing on the skulls of my enemies.
I had to explain it then the same way I have to explain it now… just during the last explanation I mentioned that this should be in the book… and this explanation is in the book… so kinda different, but mostly the same… anyway, here it goes:
I was having a conversation at work one day about taco meat, and how I like to go to Del Taco and get the fiesta box, but order beans on my tacos instead of meat because of the mysterious crunchies found in said meat.
One of my friends at work explained about how he has a throw up reflex to that sensation… he can’t help it… I don’t think he throws up anymore, but if he gets one of them, he just has to stop eating and totally loses his appetite, whether it is the first or last bite, doesn’t matter.
We talked about our different strategies for dealing with the crunchies. (I think that the technical term is “gristle, chunks of”) I was kind of making up my strategy as I went…
“Whenever I get a mystery bite of crunchies in my taco I just imagine that…….. *the pause during this time was long enough for everyone to imagine something, like jawbreakers or candy or unicorn teeth or whatever, and try and guess what would come out of my mouth next, myself included, I just went with what came out first* ……. they are the skulls of my enemies, and I am crushing them with my teeth after their horrible downfall in order to make their destruction that much more complete.”
I used to not really do that, but it was pretty funny, and now that is what happens, or at least I think of that conversation and get a cartoon picture in my head of me chewing the “skulls of my enemies.”
As if I have any enemies of whom I would tear their head off… in some sort of mortal combat or what, I don’t know, then somehow de-flesh it so that I could put their skulls in my taco meat.
They would have to be really small skulls.
Unicorn teeth? Hahahaha
yeah, the stuff in between the stars were things that flashed through my mind before I came to skulls of my enemies. I didn't say unicorn teeth tough because they didn't make me sound as tough as eating skulls.
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