Feeling good. Had a bit of a rocky day at work. Had a staff change that I wasn't quite ready for. Now I am kind of wearing two hats. Going to start tomorrow out with a workout. Hit the ground running... both figuratively and literally. Over all I am pretty pumped about how things are going. I have not been knocking everything out of the park the way I wish I was, but I have felt like the silly mistakes that kind of grind me down after awhile have been kind of not happening so much. Pretty good stuff.
I worked out on Tuesday. When I go tomorrow that will be two times in the same week since about a month. I decided that it helps me set myself up for a successful day. I also anticipate reaping the long term results of regular exercise and a moderately healthy diet... as in maybe less hamburgers. I weighed in at 240 today. Kind of bummed me out a little. Its not like I think that I am huge or anything but I still haven't managed to shed my baby weight. It took me until about my wife's third trimester to realize that I did not need to eat a full meal every time she did. We would go to a burrito joint a couple times a day and I would always order my favorite and take it to the house. I should have just been ordering chips and salsa or something.
Clover is pretty awesome. She is growing up that is for sure. Last night Kristin and I had the "I think it is about time for a toddler bed" conversation. If she is old enough to talk, she is old enough to be out of the crib. Some of the stuff I see her do kind of blows my mind. She just has to do everything Kristin and I do. In the morning when I get ready, she needs some hair gel, and to brush her teeth and after shave and everything that I do. It kind of cracks me up. I love her guts.
Here's to everything. Cheers.
One cute little cowgirl
Nice blog :)
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