So I have only made it to the gym once since the last report. I need to be a little more vigilant about that.
The other day at work one of my regular customers made a comment about how it looked like I was having a little too much fun at work. I explained to him that I believe that if I can't enjoy what I do then I shouldn't be doing it. He kinda thought about for second and replied: “So is this like a hobby for you then?” I laughed and said maybe. That night I went to my parents house because they were hosting a weeding reception for one of my cousins. After manning the refreshment table for the night, I realized that it is kind of a hobby for me. It made me laugh. Maybe if I can take that mentality to work next week it will be a great one.
Clover is growing up way to quickly. The other day when I was leaving for work she said “Bye daddy.” I think it was her first sentence ever. It stopped me dead in my tracks and I had to go back an give her another good bye kiss. She will not let me do anything for her any more. She wont use her sippy cup at meals if we have grown up cups on the table. Sometimes she climbs on the table, takes my spoon or fork and start to feed me. I think it is cute. Every day she blows my mind with how much she is growing. Maybe one day I should just do a post of pictures and videos that make of her. I t all happens so fast that I forget everything I am thinking about writing down.
Life is good. I am pretty pumped about how things are turning out around here. I do feel a kind of grown up. I have spent a lot of time over the last weeks kind of just reminiscing about things past and how far I have come since I even started writing the idiotbook. And then beyond? Oh man. Who would have thought.
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