I have been well. Still kind of doing the same thing. Working, thinking about all the stuff I don't do but wish I did. Updating the idiot book being one of them. I bought a new video game last month. That is pretty much what I have been doing in my spare time. Playing video games on my computer and watching TV on netflix. Pretty lame I know.
Work is still work. I am still in the same position at the same store. Kind of a trip. I am kind of getting itchy feet. I think that although I spent many years with Starbucks, I averaged about one store a year. It feels weird to be able to look at my stores history right now, and know that I am the one who made it. I feel much more comfortable in my shoes. I have some days when on the way home I think about how my team totally rocked it, and how we can reproduce the same results, but better tomorrow. There have also been some days when I think about surfing craigslist job postings when I get home to see if there is something different out there. In the end, I am always reminded about how much I do enjoy my job and the people I work with. Yep. Much more comfortable in my shoes.
Kristin is doing well. She woke me up the other day almost in tears because she tried to give herself a haircut with the clippers. It was my job to try and fix it. Oh man is she precious. She is still watching children for work. She has added two charges since the last time I wrote. She is up to four kids a day on a regular basis, and is still bugging me about having another one of our own. I think she is more cut out to be a mother than she thinks she is, because I have trouble hanging out with the whole rowdy crew one day a week. I don't know how she does it. She has also decided that she is going to go to school to become an... herbologist? Is that what its called? It is fun to watch her look through books and try new things and get excited about something. We plan on signing her up once the van is paid off.
Did I mention that we own a van? I think so.
Clover, Clover, Clover. My little peanut is not so little anymore. She can open doors if the knob is a real easy one to turn. She can also throw knuck', say “I love you daddy,” and almost put her own shoes on. She is talking more and more, it is fun to listen to her copy everything we say to her, and it is even funner to hear the stuff that comes out of her mouth on her own. She loves hanging out and watching gababadabada. ( Yo Gabba Gabba)
Life is good.
Dude, so glad we got to see you guys the other day. Nice to see/hear that everything is going so well.
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