Thursday, September 9, 2010

On strange eating habits.

“I couldn't even imagine eating things from such a wide range. Banana's and hot sauce? That's way to far out there for me. I would maybe think about mixing something like bananas and grapes, but that about as crazy I could ever go.” -t.


Turbo said...

Hahahahaha. Who is "-t?"

snotnose said...

T is not for Ted... it is for Trevor, one of the guys I work with. And I can't ever remember his last name. Maybe that should be my focus this week, to learn everybody's full names.

Sarah Jane M said...

So I was talking with this friend of ours the other day about weird food combos. He really likes them. He said that everyone in South Africa does (that is where he is from). Out of nowhere, like someone put him up to it, he asked me, "Have you ever tried a banana on like a crispy sandwich roll? That is the best". I just looked at him for a minute and then said, "If you have ever done that with hot sauce on the top, I think you belong in our family".

snotnose said...

I don't know... I have never done it on a crispy roll, just tortillas and toast. hmmm toast... He may be on to something.