peanut butter
Optional ingredients:
Hot Sauce.
Step 1: Spread peanut butter on one half of one side of tortilla.
Step 2: Spread nutella on other half but same side of tortilla.
If you are doing it right up to this point, it should look like this:
Step 3: Cut banana into thin slices, and spread on top of nutella.
Due to the degree of difficult for this next step, here is another illustration for caparison:
Optional Step 4: put hot sauce on top of bananas.
Step 4 or 5 depending on option: Carefully fold peanut butter side over onto banana/nutella side without making any messes or your wife will make you clean them up and you won't be very happy about it.
Step 5 or 6: Eat in style similar to that used when eating a giant soft taco or quesadilla.
Have you ever heard of a "smaco" ? You take a tortilla, spread PB over half of it, break up a chocolate bar over the PB, then break up three marshmallow over that. Fold it in half, wrap in tin foil; then put it on a cookie sheet and put in the oven (375*) for 5min, flip and wait about 3. Then eat- it is so yummy!!
That does sound pretty good. Maybe I should try that on the next rainy day.
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