Sunday, September 12, 2010

Clover arm pumping a job well done.

I taught Clover how to jump on the bed yesterday. Now I can stand her on any bed and hold her hands and she starts jumping and kicking and breathing in her really excited way. It is super cute and really cracks me up.

The way I know that I taught her how to do this, and it is not just me swinging my baby around by her lil' ol' arms, is because... at night... when she is in bed... and it is her bedtime... she stands herself up and while holding the bars to her crib for support, she jumps on her bed. When I walk into the room to see what t he ruckus is, it is my little monkey jumping on the bed. I know that she knows that I taught this to her because when she sees me walk in she smiles so big that her pacifier falls out... because she is jumping and showing me what she learned.

Maybe next time I will teach her how to write cursive to keep her busy instead of how to jump on the bed.

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