Somebody asked me today if it was very different being a dad as opposed to before I was a dad… yes and no.
While I was out to lunch with my wife today, I spent the whole time looking at the cute little critter in her arms instead of at her. It was kind of weird. I felt a little rude. I couldn’t stop looking at my little girl. I caught myself a couple of times and my wife was pretty cool about it. She was like you can look at whoever you want, so I spent the rest of time while we were at the restaurant staring at my Clover, even though she was sleeping the whole time. I just can’t help it. It is the same with when I am at work, or driving to work, or ever not with Clover. I just can’t stop thinking about hanging out with her. So being a dad has kind of shifted my thinking from what it was before. I can’t tell if I am more excited to hang out with Kristin because she is Kristin, My beautiful wife whom I love dearly and would love to be married to forever, or because I know she has Clover with her.
This is one of the things that I was never warned about. I used to just always think about how excited I was to get home and hang out with my beautiful wife. Not the case anymore… kind of. I am excited to see my beautiful wife… and Clover. I just want to go Clover, and I am a happy guy. Another thing…I love holding her (Clover) as much as I love holding my wife’s hand. I love kissing Clover’s forehead as much as I love kissing my wife’s. I was not prepared or expecting for such a complete, and instant, love. I spent a couple months getting to know my wife before I asked her to marry me (about 5), and I have only spent about a week with Clover, but I feel pretty much the same because I am as devoted to her as much as I am devoted to my wife. And to top it all off, I am afraid that if she were in a room with like 30 other babies and I would not be able to tell her apart from the rest. I am pretty sure that I would be able to… but she is changing so fast that I think I am noticing it. Like looking at the difference between my 8th, 9th, 10th, and 11th grade pictures, but over the course of a week, that and she hasn’t even said one word to me in English. But when she stares at me it is like a tractor beam, and I cant focus on anything else except for how totally precious this little girl is.
Nobody warned me about that.
Today one of my friends asked me of I was going to miss living in
1 comment:
I love your enthusiasm! You totally crack me up!
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