Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Clover likes to skate. It's cute.

Wow. What a fierce couple of months. It is late and I think I am just going to put a couple of bullets to kind of play catchup for the last time spent under the radar. Maybe this will be like the list of stuff to write about when I have nothing to write about. Who knows.

  • Kristin and I bought our first house ever. We are now residents of West Jordan, Utah. Pretty cool.

  • I still work for Cafe Zupas. I celebrated my one year anniversary with them on March first.

  • I celebrated my 5 year wedding anniversary on April 23rd.

  • We bought a house instead of went on a trip.

  • Clover got cuter.

  • Mason went to live with Mark. He seems to be doing very well. I am excited for him.

  • We moved to West Jordan.

  • I work a lot.

  • I kind of want to buy a motorcycle again now that it is warm outside.

  • I mowed my very own lawn for the first time ever.

  • I made it a point to go meet the neighbors. They all seem pretty cool.

  • I bought a smart phone. It is pretty smart.

  • I worked out... two times.

  • I almost died... both times.

  • I went to the chiropractor... many times.

  • It no longer hurts to sit or stand, and I have different things for breakfast other than alka seltzer.

  • I am a fan of chiropractors.

  • Life is good.

  • We quit house shopping... after we bought a house.

Yep. Pretty good stuff.

One of my goals for the next pretty much forever I guess is that now that I have my own space, I should really make it a point to develop some of my hobbies. I think I am going to ask for a welder for fathers day. Should be pretty sweet.

I think that I am also committing to myself to write more vigilantly. Yep. You heard it here first.

Yep. Hope its great. Feels great. Guess I just need to keep it up. Yep.


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