Monday, July 13, 2009

"WHEEEEEE!!!!!!" - the snail, while riding on a turtle

I have meant to do this about a hundred rimes this week end. I think I need to start carrying around my stupid note pad again so I can remember all the things I think aboot when I am oot & aboot and unable to blog.

The highlights:

I still have a job.

I am going to visit New York. Awesome. It will be a historical field trip arranged by my dad, inspired by the book 1776. I can’t wait.

Randy and his wife came down for a visit last Friday, it was wicked awesome.

I watched Frank Mir get his face smashed.

I got bummed out that Frank get his faced smashed and not vise versa.

I checked my calendar and realized that my first final for summer semester: 7/16 next Thursday. Last final for summer semester: 7/24, the Thursday after next.

What am I going to do between final #2 and first day of fall semester?

-whatever I want

-make a friend

-find out if my baby is a boy or grrrrrl

-zero homework

-go to NY

-go to the beach

-go take a nap

-exercise my awesomicity muscles (“skills” in napoleanspeak)

-get sunburnt

-read a book for fun, maybe this one finally after finishing book #6 like a year ago

-update my resume

-post my resume

-get my degree

-shave my face

-grow out my hair…maybe

-practice using my notebook for blog topics instead of chemistry notes

“I will get all over that, just like awesome on Pete” –j.p.…. a quote that made my day.

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