The 4th of July. Nobody over this last week has me what I am doing for Independence Day. I have been asked, what are doing… this weekend, for the holiday, on the fourth, on Saturday? The second question is almost always has something to with fireworks, and is usually followed by an opinion about where I can find the best ones.
Independence. Wow. When was my first taste of independence? When I learned how to tie my own shoe or get dressed by myself, so I could do it whenever I wanted? When I learned how to use the microwave or the toaster oven? When I was able to walk to school by myself? When I learned how to ride a bike? When my mom gave me my own lunch money? When got my drivers license? When I got my first job? When I turned 18? When I no longer had a curfew? When I moved out for the first time? When I turned 21? When I moved out of my native state for the first time? I think about the feelings I had for each of my personal “independence” milestones, I think about how hard it was to work for some of these things. I try and imagine what it would be like without the freedoms I enjoy. I am pretty sure that there are many people who don’t experience their first true sense of independence until they leave their country of birth and come to the United States. I cannot imagine that. I am both glad and thankful for the people that settled this country. I am thankful for the visionaries that created this Union. I am thankful for the guidance and the bravery required to act in spite of anything so many people have received and possessed so that I have the freedom to go to church, or go to school, or marry whoever I want, or even wear a shirt that says I hate my president if I feel so inclined, at little or no risk of punishment at all, might I add. Wow. It would be really hard for me to believe that this is not one nation under god. I believe that divine guidance and planning has created that place that I live. I believe that God is still watching over us as a nation in spite of what many people, some lawmakers included, believe. It breaks my heart at the way many have used their freedom to try and limit the freedoms of others. That is what we get for living in an imperfect country I guess. Whatever.
Long story short, Happy Independence Day, stay safe, and remember, you don’t have to be jerk to take pride in what you are.
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