Tuesday, March 31, 2009

inverse sin (l/w) = i ... (tan i)dist = aoc

So it has been a minute.
What has happened since the last time? Let me tell you.
Since I will have so much free time this semester due to my new more flexible availability at work, I went back to my school counselor to figure out a plan of attack and see when I should apply for graduation. He looked at my transcripts and asked why I was going to wait until the end of next fall. I didn’t understand and asked him to explain. Long story short, I now have the time to take the classes I need and have applied for both my Forensic Technology certification and AS in Criminal Justice with an emphasis in Forensic Technology for August 2009. Now all I need to do is find out if I walk at the end of this semester or if I have to wait until next year. Awesome.
Since my cumulative GPA is 3.868 (4.0 at Grossmont, my few semesters at SLCC brought me down >:P ), I have also been accepted as a member to PTK, and I guess I need to figure what sort of ribbons or sashes or whatever I need to get to wear to my graduation.
The somewhat uncomfortable side affect from all of this is known as no-free-time-whatsoever-because-you-have-an-insane-amount-of-homework-because-you-more-than-doubled-the-amount-of-credit-hours-you-are-taking-by-enrolling-into-multiple-8-week-classes-and-that-is-like-taking-a-full-semester-class-but-in-half-the-time-because-you-must-really-be-ready-to-be-finished-or-just-crazy syndrome.
Yeah, the home work is going to get rough over the next couple months, but I am so excited I cannot even handle it. How excited? So excited that I even remembered to take pictures of my last couple labs.
Below is a partial picture of some blood spatter we were analyzing last night. Focus on the blood drop (satellite spatter) in the center of the picture directly below the loupe.

This is what it looks like through the loupe. Approx 5mm x 2mm.

Now you take the measurements of this spatter and plug them into the calculation on the title, and that is how you find the angle of incident. How does this help solve crimes? Well, if I calculate the many angles of incident from the same spatter pattern, I can find the area of convergence. That means I can prove if this pattern is typical of somebody getting hit in the head while standing up, or laying in bed or if it really happened how the suspect said it did. (they seldom do) With this evidence I know, through physics, that the blood could have only come from a specific area in space.
Yep. Blood spatter is pretty interesting, not rocket science, but interesting all the same.

1 comment:

Turbo said...

Dude, that is awesome. Getting some light at the end of the tunnel. Good luck with everything!