I can’t wait for tomorrow. I am really excited and really worried at the same time. Let me explain.
Tomorrow I get to work. I work from 7a-2p. I enjoy doing my job. One time in a job interview I was asked what was the thing I liked most about my last job. I answered simply: “The fact that I know everything about it. That makes it fun, not hard. I can make a presentable hamburger with my eyes closed in 11 seconds. I can do it with my eyes open in 6.”
That is how I feel about my new but old position. Since I do not have anybody to worry about except my self, I can dedicate huge amounts of brain power to stuff like this --> *stuff*. It makes work more fun than work and I like it.
I am also excited because tomorrow is the March GXX/LAE meeting. We are having an awesome speaker and topic as well as a contest for next the new official chapter t-shirt. I think I am just going to post the flyer on idiotbook so you will know all about it. I just hope nobody makes awesome comments like this one (link removed) about it.
With all of that awesomeness happening tomorrow, I bet you are wondering why I might be really worried at the same time.
Since moving to California, I have found out that I really enjoy two vegetable that I thought I didn’t like before: avocados and asparagus. Fresh tomatoes are still on my list. This is a story about asparagus.
Earlier this week at my grocery store, I noticed that massive display of asparagus had a HUGE yellow tag. Know what it said? 97 cents a pound. Holy crap. Less than a buck for a whole bundle of one of my favorite veggies. I didn’t believe it at first. Asparagus is usually between 3.99/lb and 4.99/lb. I don’t get it as often as I would like. I bought a couple pounds planning on having asparagus every night for the week. Awesome... Kind of.
This morning before my wife went to work, she let me know it was time to cook the asparagus. When it was time for lunch, I did just that. I invented my new favorite asparagus recipe. You can put it in your binders. Here is the link to what I like to call “asparagus done awesome.”
Anyway, I totally had to eat the whole batch by myself since Kristin was at work. I loved the recipe so much that I cooked the rest of my asparagus for Kristin when she got home form work. I ended up eating about half of it.
So… That is why I am not so excited about tomorrow. I haven’t had to do my duty yet form eating too much asparagus and I am afraid of getting attacked by the asparagus in my guts when I am at work or at my meeting or stuck in traffic or something horrible like that.
Asparagus makes my pee smell funny. I still eat it a lot though.
yeah me too.
Hey, no fair. I was going to say that asparagus makes my pee smell funny. Now all i can say is "yeah me three." How lame am I!
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