Let me share with you a story about what I do when I get grumpy.
Today at the tech mall of my school I was sitting down to print out the pictures of my nerd-core shirts to hand in to the contest. I noticed on my phone that I had five voicemails and on missed phone call. I thought hmmm, maybe I will check my voice mail. Before my mailbox even picked up a lab aide came over to me. Here is the dialog:
Her: Ummmm, I’m sorry but you cannot talk on your phone in the techmall
Me: I’m not talking; I am checking my voicemail, thank you though.
Her: I can see your mouth moving.
Me: I’m chewing gum genius. (stick my tongue out)
Her: I could hear you talking.
Me: (raised voice) No, it’s my voice mail, I don’t talk to it I listen to it. Here look and see. (hold phone up to her face) Is there anybody there or is it still just the computer lady telling me how to skip this message?
Her: It doesn’t matter, I heard you talking and you cannot do that.
Me: You’re a total champion. (put my phone in my pocket) Seriously. Good job.
A couple things about this. I don’t usually argue with people, especially about stupid things like checking my voicemail. I kind of felt like an idiot when she walked away. I was also kind of thinking something like “alright man, you told her, nice one stupid.” Seriously the second she walked away I totally knew I just made a total idiot out of myself. The worst part was that I could not figure out how to print on the color printer, so when I went to ask where it was, guess who was at the help desk. Ohhh man. I think I will apologize to her on Wednesday. I hope after watching my antics she realizes that I was just having a bad day. I also wonder what her blog would look like for today, or if my yelling at her was even a big enough event to merit her writing about it. What if she is already over it because of what she has to deal with when she is not at the tech mall is so much worse than some random dude arguing with her about talking on the phone.
Today at the tech mall of my school I was sitting down to print out the pictures of my nerd-core shirts to hand in to the contest. I noticed on my phone that I had five voicemails and on missed phone call. I thought hmmm, maybe I will check my voice mail. Before my mailbox even picked up a lab aide came over to me. Here is the dialog:
Her: Ummmm, I’m sorry but you cannot talk on your phone in the techmall
Me: I’m not talking; I am checking my voicemail, thank you though.
Her: I can see your mouth moving.
Me: I’m chewing gum genius. (stick my tongue out)
Her: I could hear you talking.
Me: (raised voice) No, it’s my voice mail, I don’t talk to it I listen to it. Here look and see. (hold phone up to her face) Is there anybody there or is it still just the computer lady telling me how to skip this message?
Her: It doesn’t matter, I heard you talking and you cannot do that.
Me: You’re a total champion. (put my phone in my pocket) Seriously. Good job.
Her: (walk away)
A couple things about this. I don’t usually argue with people, especially about stupid things like checking my voicemail. I kind of felt like an idiot when she walked away. I was also kind of thinking something like “alright man, you told her, nice one stupid.” Seriously the second she walked away I totally knew I just made a total idiot out of myself. The worst part was that I could not figure out how to print on the color printer, so when I went to ask where it was, guess who was at the help desk. Ohhh man. I think I will apologize to her on Wednesday. I hope after watching my antics she realizes that I was just having a bad day. I also wonder what her blog would look like for today, or if my yelling at her was even a big enough event to merit her writing about it. What if she is already over it because of what she has to deal with when she is not at the tech mall is so much worse than some random dude arguing with her about talking on the phone.
I know what you mean, dude. One time I yelled at a dude for holding the subway door. I felt totally dumb afterward. Even though he released it. I had to ride the rest of the way down town in the same car right across from the guy, and with everyone else that has just watched me loose my cool. I guess the lesson is, be patient instead of reactionary.
I can agree with your sentiments Pete, it's never good to lose your head over something trivial. At the same time I still think that people like her should never be police officers. The patient instead of reactionary lesson might be good for both of you. Maybe when you apologize to her, you should ask if she has a blog.
That is a good idea. I think I am going to give her a candy bar when I apologize and I'll tape idiotbook.blogspot.com to the back of it.
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