This was not the first near death experience I have ever had. I firmly believe seatbelts, airbags, helmet laws, first-aid kits, and 911 were created for people like me. I have to use my fingers and my toes to count the number of car accidents I have been in both as somebody in the car and as a pedestrian. I have cracked a helmet and ruined two jackets as results of wrecking four wheelers. I stopped keeping track of emergency room visits when they stopped giving me stickers for being a good patient and taping my stitches to Popsicle sticks. I have not been all the way dead once. Well, maybe I have, I know I got pretty close one time. You would have to ask Dr. John or Jake or Sarah about that one, I don’t remember that night very well. The point is that I am still here.
I was talking to my mother about last Friday, and she was saying that what would have scared her more was the guy exercising control over her. Pretty much I did what he said because my life was in his hands. She would have been really angry at the man. I think she had a good point. I was a little angry at the guy. It’s like who does he think he is? Coming in here and making me do stuff I don’t really want to do. Scaring the crap out of me. What a jerk. Aside from that, he didn’t really bug me. I was thinking about it and I think I figured out why. When I was in high school I went to a place called The Utah Boys Ranch. For the first two weeks the only thing I had permission to do was breathe and blink. I stood at attention all day long unless ordered to do something else, like stand at ease or move rocks, or pretend there is a chair next to the wall and sit on it. I know the staff members were not pointing a gun at my face. If I were to scratch my nose with out asking permission I would run a couple of ladders or do twenty pushups or whatever. My life was never on the line. All the same, I was doing things I did not want to do whether I liked it or not. Last Friday morning was not the first time my actions were fully dictated by somebody besides myself. I think that was why it didn’t really bug me as much as many people think it should have. Funny though, I never thought that any of the life training I got in the Boys Ranch would prepare me to handle an armed robbery.
I am not saying I am invincible. I am still kind of afraid to cross the street, even in a crosswalk. When I ride in a car with somebody else driving I usually close my eyes or fiddle with something instead of pay attention to the road. I am comfortable walking on sidewalks. Sometimes I go ahead and make the left turn instead of driving around the block to find a light. Time will eventually heal most wounds.
Am I going to remember this experience for the rest of my life? Yes. Is it going to change the way I function while at work? A little. Will it ever happen again? I don’t know. Am I going to let some strange guy with a gun run my life after he leaves the building? No.
I like this
cool post- it sounds like you're doing fine with the experience.
Pete you are wise. Thanks for sharing your heart and your wisdom.
You are awesome pete. It would be super tough to keep a positive attitude after something like that.
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