Friday, March 7, 2008

I bought a new barbecue today.

I finally realized what happens when you bite off more than you can chew.
My favorite joke for small talk at checkout stands is some form of “whatever you do, don’t work too hard, because it is the best way to get a headache.”
My other favorite supermarket joke is to reply “Why yes actually, I was hoping to find my marbles today, could you point me in the right direction?” when an employee of wherever I am shopping asks “Can I help you, sir?”
In the recent state of affairs, neither of my favorite jokes were really jokes at all, but dead serious.
In my life I never really thought out every situation I was about to get myself into and how it would affect me ten years down the road. I kind of wish I had paid more attention to the grand scheme of things instead of thinking about how a + b = c and c is not related to d because I don’t care, I am trying to create a c today. Change is definitely the theme for the week; in fact I have been instructed by somebody who has a huge part in what I will be doing with my life for the next two years to write a short essay about how I have changed.
I have not had an alcoholic drink in 32 months. Almost three years. The last time acted on the desire to self medicate with prescription narcotics was over 4 years ago. I have not taken any of my possessions to a pawn shop since 2003. I have never received a citation for being under the influence. I have not been late on rent since I decided to stop drinking. My driving privileges have not been forcefully revoked for over 3 years. In the last three years I have managed to keep my job for as long as I have wanted. I have managed to convince my wife to marry me and stay married to me for almost two years. I have been offered management positions in both my current job and most recent but previous employment. I have maintained a 4.0 GPA for 38 credits worth of college classes. I am now the chapter vice president for a national criminal justice organization. I lost the election for president by two votes to somebody who has been in the same program for at least twice as long as I have. I walked into a Police Station last week for a job interview instead of to pay a ticket. I have had more people than I can count on two hands volunteer to be a reference on my resume over the past three weeks while talking about an upcoming job interview. I have instructed classes on two different occasions on proper forensic methods and techniques. I have presented in countless meetings at work on proper procedures and new policies. My biggest enemy aside from my past is the fact that I am only 25 years old. I have not had enough time in my life to show that is has truly changed.
I have yet to take a college English class.
I am currently taking a class on report writing for police officers. My professor was talking about police reports. He said that any cop can make a good arrest. You can have the guy’s bloody fingerprint on the murder weapon and sixteen eyewitness as well as video footage, but this case may not make it into court. Why? The police officer who made the arrest cannot write a good report. I didn’t think that this would be so relevant so soon in my life.


Turbo said...

Keep up the good work, man. How does the new Barbeque work?

snotnose said...

It is awesome. It is big enough to cook some steaks for me and some tofurky dogs for my wife all the same time and not burn them.

jmccarron said...

Awesome Pete. it sounds like we're all enjoying the good things about getting on the good foot.