Not even exactly sure what to write about. Just kind of sitting here... up late again... kind of surfing the web, kind of imagining how totally awesome this year is going to be and also mulling over the day in my head.
My comedy routine is up to two and a half jokes. Well, more like two jokes and and idea for joke but trying to see how I can make the idea make sense to a larger audience than the one that provoked the thought. I think that the funniest part of my mission to put together a comedy routine was when I was polishing a bit using my brother, unbeknownst to him, as the audience, and I was like “I am pretty sure girls invented carpooling.”
“No. Poor people invented the car pool. It was a necessity.”
“Right. Makes sense.”
That's what I get for not prepping him a bit. I am pretty sure he is so used to hearing idiotic stuff coming out of my mouth that he didn't even have to think before doing his duty as my brother and limiting my public idiocy.
I went to church today. It was nice. Talked a little bit about the baptism of Jesus. Talked a little bit about agency. There was some definite food for thought after my meetings. I never realized that some people feel like the idea of church cannot exist in a world alongside the idea of choice. As in that was the one exception. It was pretty interesting. Like I said, food for thought.
I am going to turn 29 this year. Should be cool I guess. Hope I don't have a melt down around my birthday. I guess that is pretty common around this age. I am at kind of a high risk of birthday meltdowns for the next three years or so. Any tips or tricks to avoid melting down would be nice, and welcomed.
Going to have my fifth wedding anniversary this year. Cool. I wonder if we are going to be able to go on a date on our anniversary or celebrate sometime around the week of. What am I supposed to buy Kristin for this one? Can't remember. China or a 2x4 or something like that? Can't remember. Maybe she will surprise me again by being like “Hey! I'm pregnant! Happy anniversary!”
I want to go to Alaska. It would be cool if I could make it happen this summer. I still think about when I went to New York a couple years back. I want to go back there too. That would be cool I if could make them both happen this year. Prolly not gonna happen, but it would be cool none the less.
Nope. Anniversary falls on a Saturday. Most likely going to be at work.
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