Wow, what a week. Lets start with the light and get more serious howabout.
-I got sick. I have been blowing snot out of my nose since Saturday. I am finally recovering. I think that by the time I get up for work next Monday, I should be able to say that I am all better.
-My best shift lead on the planet ever was promoted. Saturday was her last day. Her replacement showed up to work just in time to quit on Monday.
-Kristin's mom and grandparents are coming up on Friday. They will be staying until next Monday. I took Saturday off. It should be a pretty fun weekend. Drives up the canyon and barbecues. Heck yes.
-The headlights don't work on m car sometimes, so I drive home from work with my brights on occasionally. I am not sure what I will say if I get pulled over for it. I don't know why sometimes the headlights work and sometimes they don't. It is pretty weird. Never had a problem like this one before.
-My family grew by one over the weekend. Kristin and I are filing for guardianship of one of the children my wife watches occasionally. He moved in with us last Saturday. I am still not quite sure how to explain how I feel about it. It all happened so suddenly. Typically there is a nine month long period before a child is born that you can use to wrap your mind around the idea of becoming a parent. Not in this case. It is like Kristin got pregnant, had the kid, and he grew up to almost 3 years (I think) all over the weekend. I am pretty pumped for sure. I guess I really took for granted all of the times I spent pondering about how I would be a good father to Clover before I had actually had the pleasure of seeing her sweet face. Maybe I will apply most of the same principles, but in a slightly different way, because Mason is not a daughter, but a son. Hmm. Anyway. It has been real nice to have him around. I know that Kristin and I had planned on adopting and fostering when we were a bit more established and what not, but this feels like the right place and the right time for everything. It has been interesting, the mix of flack and support we have been getting from every direction whether it be unsolicited or not. I guess that I am just excited that both Masons mother and the big guy upstairs feel like I am the man to be this child's father for now.
-Maybe back to the lighter stuff I guess.
-Clover is still one of cutest things ever. She likes to walk around while holding on to my fingers. It cracks me up when she does because she is like running and grinning and running, but with her arms up above her head and her little baby potbelly leading the way. Just try it. It looks funny when adults do it too... at least that is what I think judging by the reaction of some of my line servers when I was showing them how funny I thought it as the other night. Here... I will give instructions... just print these out or explain them to someone else, and have them follow the instructions while you watch. It will be wild. Then imagine a little baby doing it. That is what I watch for my cartoons every day before work.
Where to start... get into character. Imagine the most absolutely goofy, over the top “I am so happy I might drool because my smile is so big,” happy face you can imagine. Got it? Okay. Put it on. Wear that face. Okay, now put your arms up above your head... not straight, but kind bent at the elbows... kind of like you are imagining riding a motorcycle with ape hanger handlebars. Now start running... not very fast, but kind of like you are just learning how to and you might trip over your own feet on every step. Maybe even kind of limp run if it is easier to do. If you are doing this from the end of a long hall with a mirror at the other end then you know what I am talking about. If you are doing this because somebody gave these instructions to follow, look at the look on their face, and think about giving the instructions back to them and telling them its their turn to show you how funny it is... then do it.
So crazy, man! All of it! Good luck with everything. I'm sure that you guys are the right people to be able to handle this situation.
I think I will just watch Clover do it.
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