Tonight is one of those nights when I wish that my day off had a snooze button. I am not ready for it to be over. I would like to just eke a couple more hours out of it. It has been a nice day.
I have been kind of just killing time lately... not really doing anything productive. I started playing a campaign on my stupid video game, and much like when I pick up a book, I just want to get it over with. Not because I don't enjoy it, but because I do not like to leave a job undone. That is what I have spent my free time doing over the last week...s. It has dawned on me that although it has been quite easy lately, it is not my goal to ignore the idiotbook. So...
Tonight I went on a date with my wife. It kind of fit the MO of our dates when we first started dating.
-“Mo?” (pronounced like moe, with a long “o”
-“M O”
-“Mo? What? What is your Mo?”
The next paragraph was spoken like a hick... I have realized that I have changed from talking with a lisp to talking like a cowboy when I am making a funny.
-“Not “mo” dummy. MO is an acronym. It is like how SCUBA isn't really a word, the letters in the word stand for their own words. SCUBA is an abbreviation of Self Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus that should make sense to most people. MO is short for modus operandi, it's latin. It means method of operation... as in how we do things around here, but with fewer syllables. Get it straight.”
Actual conversation from work the other day. I kind of wish I could figure out a way to put in my stand up routine. Man... jokes are hard sometimes. I guess that if everything that was kind of funny in real life was easy to put into a joke, everybody would be a stand up comic.
Back to the date.
We got a babysitter for Clover, and dropped Mason off with his mother so that we didn't have to worry about children at all. We dropped Clover off first, then went down town to drop Mason off. For our date, we went to walk around Ikea for a little bit. We sat down to eat some cake and fries. After that we started to kind of peruse a few things... then realized that we only had about five minutes until we said we would pick Clover up. Due to horrible driving conditions, we had been at Ikea only about 20 minutes total. We literally ran through the store, laughing... and kind of making fart noises... the whole way because it was all fun and games on our totally hot but only about a half an hour kid free date. When we got to our babysitters house, her older sister had just arrived home, and was still in the driveway. She asked why we were here so early, and we explained that it was a school night so we didn't feel comfortable making her little sister work past eight o'clock. Older sister got mad and explained that she raced home from class so that she could have an hour or so to play with Clover and promptly kicked us out of her driveway. We drove around for a bit, got a couple snacks and some gas at a random gas station, then walked around a grocery store for a little bit. While walking up to the porch to pick Clover up for the second time, we started laughing at how totally lame our date would look from the outside. We had fun. That was our MO. When we started dating, we were both broke. We would go random places and do random things, and eat at the gas stations along the way when we had to put gas in the car, which was every date because we were never limited on time. We would quite literally drive all night if we were in the mood. We would always laugh... a lot. I like spending time with my wife. I think that we have fun together. It was very nice to be able to ignore everything except the wild fun time I have driving around in the car with my wife.
The kind of funny thing about it all was that it wasn't really meant to be a date at first. It was meant to be a break from the four children that were more like pills than children today. It just kind of turned into a date because it was way shorter than a vacation, even thought it was totally as much fun as any vacation I have ever been on. It was nice. It was another time to put in the bucket of things that remind me that it is not really where I go or what I do that brings me joy, but the person I have decided to spend my life with.
Don't get me wrong, I love my family... I value the friends that I have... there is just only one person on this planet that is my wife. Just sayin'.
A snooze button would be nice... not quite ready for bed yet.