Wednesday, November 12, 2008


So it feels like it has only been a couple days that I have not posted. Now that I have checked the Idiot book, I realize it has really been a couple of weeks.
Mah bai’geez. (it sounds better if you say it out loud with emphasis on every syllable)
What has, and what has not happened in a punch list.
-I took the SDSO Written Exam, and I will hear back in 4 to 6 weeks.
-I feel like I did well on the SDSO exam.
-My boss went out of town to the National Leadership Conference.
-I was the boss for about 2 weeks.
-I missed my boss.
-I had the opportunity to go on a ride along on Halloween.
-It was awesome.
-I bought tickets to the whuppin’ that Utah is going to give to SDSU this Saturday.
-I voted.
-Proposition 8 passed.
-I saved a copy of the NY Times from Nov. 5th.
-The odometer on my motorcycle rolled past 1900.
-A clutch lock saved our car from being stolen.
-Kristin did not get pregnant.
-I imagined how grumpy Kristin would get if I really did call our kid, when we get one some day, “Repete” instead “Pete Jr.” or “Bronco Peanut”.
-My life place has been injury free for 932 days. (setting a new record every day)
-I think that’s about it.


Turbo said...

Hahaha, I liked the injury-free, update.

Beth B said...

Keep up the good work Peej.

Turbo said...

Dude, where have you been? what have you been up to? Update, please.