Saturday, May 24, 2008

One more down, atleast 10 more to go.

Finals are on Wednesday. Awesome. That means that after Wednesday I can enjoy taking a semester off for the first time in ever since I started at Grossmont. A short recap of this semester: I maintained the highest grade in my report writing class. I think that if I skip the final I will still most likely get an “A.” I talked my sister into creating a t-shirt for my American Criminal Justice Association chapter (GXX) and it won the contest. I should be getting them on next Tuesday. I dropped out of Trigonometry for the second time. The professor is using the same book next fall. Whew. In my bible class we studied the Old Testament. I found out that although this book is typically considered a very harsh and wrathful book, in my opinion it is a true testament to the loving patience of my god. For the lessons in this class the students all got a schedule of what books we were going to study on what days, and was assigned certain days to teach the lesson. My instructor has invited me to go to a conference for institute teachers to teach a lesson as an example of this technique. I thought that was neat. I have been offered an internship in the Grossmont College AOJ/Forensics Dept. It is not an agency, but it is an awesome opportunity.
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Thanks for stopping by, and stay classy San Diego.


Turbo said...

Nice work dude. Finish strong. That pic is awesome.

jmccarron said...

Sounds like a pretty great semester. which shirt was the winner? I think I saw a couple of different options.

Beth B said...

way to live your life large!