This may not make much sense right off the bat. Maybe you should read this article first, and then read the one below. I was going to post a comment, and when it got to be a paragraph, I figured I should just post a post.
I took a class one semester called "Public Safety Communications." One of our textbooks was called "Report Writing for Police Officers." I had to use a pencil for the whole class. This rule being based on the fact that if you are an investigator and you are working on a case where you have video surveillance of the incident as well as the defendant’s fingerprints in the victim’s blood on the murder weapon, this guy will still have to go to court. When he does, he has a defense attorney who must defend him to their utmost ability, if not this attorney may lose his job. As a result, he (the defense) will attack you as an investigating officer and do his best by trying to make you look like an idiot, a bigot, or a pervert. I can safely bet that in this situation for every time I have read my case report, the defense attorney has read it at least three. That means that his whole defense could be based on the fact that I may be a poor speller, or have bad grammar, or tend to leave a word out here or there when I am writing in a hurry. These are all points that would be emphasized if I were to use pen to write with, and then eventually have to correct. The best way to protect myself as an officer is to use a pencil. That way if I goof up, I can erase it. The defense will get a photocopy of this report, and may not even be able to see the erase marks. The smudges aren’t really a problem because I am not a left handed writer. It is something that took a little practice to get used to, but long story short I really enjoy using a pencil much more than I did previously. Kind of the same story, but for a little different reason. I fully endorse my brother’s pencil use. BTW, I started out the class with a wooden pencil and got frustrated with the dull point thing, and always had a manual sharpener with me for a bit, but it was still kind of annoying. One day I decided to try a disposable mechanical pencil to see how far technology has come since the semi-unreliable ones that were available in middle school. I was pleasantly surprised. This pencil is my current favorite.
Pencil using has also come in very handy in the many math classes I have taken in my college career. I used to use pens in those too, only because I liked pens more.
I took a class one semester called "Public Safety Communications." One of our textbooks was called "Report Writing for Police Officers." I had to use a pencil for the whole class. This rule being based on the fact that if you are an investigator and you are working on a case where you have video surveillance of the incident as well as the defendant’s fingerprints in the victim’s blood on the murder weapon, this guy will still have to go to court. When he does, he has a defense attorney who must defend him to their utmost ability, if not this attorney may lose his job. As a result, he (the defense) will attack you as an investigating officer and do his best by trying to make you look like an idiot, a bigot, or a pervert. I can safely bet that in this situation for every time I have read my case report, the defense attorney has read it at least three. That means that his whole defense could be based on the fact that I may be a poor speller, or have bad grammar, or tend to leave a word out here or there when I am writing in a hurry. These are all points that would be emphasized if I were to use pen to write with, and then eventually have to correct. The best way to protect myself as an officer is to use a pencil. That way if I goof up, I can erase it. The defense will get a photocopy of this report, and may not even be able to see the erase marks. The smudges aren’t really a problem because I am not a left handed writer. It is something that took a little practice to get used to, but long story short I really enjoy using a pencil much more than I did previously. Kind of the same story, but for a little different reason. I fully endorse my brother’s pencil use. BTW, I started out the class with a wooden pencil and got frustrated with the dull point thing, and always had a manual sharpener with me for a bit, but it was still kind of annoying. One day I decided to try a disposable mechanical pencil to see how far technology has come since the semi-unreliable ones that were available in middle school. I was pleasantly surprised. This pencil is my current favorite.
Pencil using has also come in very handy in the many math classes I have taken in my college career. I used to use pens in those too, only because I liked pens more.