Thursday, May 29, 2008

174/174 = A

Today was much better than I thought it would be. I was supposed to have this morning off so I could prepare myself mentally for my report writing final. One of the Supervisors at my work was sick, so I covered the shift on the condition that I would get off at 11:00 (1100 in report writing time) so I would have half an hour to get to school, park, and get to class in time for my final at 11:30. I could not go to sleep last night to save my life, and ended up looking at the clock for the last time at around 12:15 am (0015) and that was rough because the shift I was covering started at 4:15 am (0415). I was exhausted. By around 0900, when I got back from my lunch break I was ready for a nap, and the food in my tummy did not make it any easier to stay alert. Around 1105, my replacement showed up. He forgot to come in early. I finally left work around 1120. I was imagining the conversation my instructor was going to have with me, as he is a pretty sarcastic and kind of mean teacher. When I finally got to school and was walking to class half awake and zip-fizzed almost to a state of pure jitter it was 1140. I walked in my class and professor gave me a look that made me want to turn around and walk away. He asked me to step outside with him. I was expecting something about how rude it was for me to come to class so late during such an important test or something like that. He then proceeded to explain to me that I had the highest point score in the class. The next closest person could get a perfect score on their final and I could get a zero, and I would still be the one setting the curve. He then said “Good job, now get outta here.” It was awesome. I am so excited this semester is over I have changed my pants 4 times today.

I love the nail polish.

Make Paper Snap - wikiHow

Saturday, May 24, 2008

One more down, atleast 10 more to go.

Finals are on Wednesday. Awesome. That means that after Wednesday I can enjoy taking a semester off for the first time in ever since I started at Grossmont. A short recap of this semester: I maintained the highest grade in my report writing class. I think that if I skip the final I will still most likely get an “A.” I talked my sister into creating a t-shirt for my American Criminal Justice Association chapter (GXX) and it won the contest. I should be getting them on next Tuesday. I dropped out of Trigonometry for the second time. The professor is using the same book next fall. Whew. In my bible class we studied the Old Testament. I found out that although this book is typically considered a very harsh and wrathful book, in my opinion it is a true testament to the loving patience of my god. For the lessons in this class the students all got a schedule of what books we were going to study on what days, and was assigned certain days to teach the lesson. My instructor has invited me to go to a conference for institute teachers to teach a lesson as an example of this technique. I thought that was neat. I have been offered an internship in the Grossmont College AOJ/Forensics Dept. It is not an agency, but it is an awesome opportunity.
That’s pretty much it in a nutshell. Thanks for stopping by, and stay classy San Diego.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Nobody likes burnt and bitter beans

I cannot write about a few things that I would really like to write about. However, there are many things I really want to write about and can! Awesome.
I cannot write about why I have not written in so long. All I can say about it is that I just figured out what it was the other day, and finally got over it.
What I will write about is my overflowing cup. I love my mom and dad. I love my brothers and sisters. I love every additional person who has had enough screws missing to want to be a part of my family, most of all, my beautiful wife. I cannot describe the feeling I get when I think about how awesome all the people I am related to are. I just got back from a visit that was over wayyyyy too early. I guess that is really pretty much it. I got to hang out with my family this weekend. It is hard to think that at one point in my life I would ditch out on FHE to go play video games. I used to leave my phone in the car so nobody could find me. I used every excuse in the book to get away from home and get as far away from my family as I possibly could. Man, I feel like an idiot. I seriously cannot wait to go back. If I had known I would feel this way, I would have been so silly in the first place.
Thanks for being so freakin’ awesome guys. Seriously. Thanks. You’re freakin’ awesome.